Eurooppaoikeuden yhdistys ja Iso-Britannian FIDE-paikallisjärjestö UKAEL järjestävät yhteistyössä ti 23.11.2021 klo 19 EUT:n ja kansallisten tuomioistuinten suhdetta käsittelevän webinaarin:
The European Court of Justice and National Constitutional Courts: Resistance or Cooperation?
Tuesday 23 November 2021
5-6.30pm UK time, 19.00-20.30 Finnish time
The relationship between the Court of Justice of the EU and national constitutional courts is complicated. Historically, we have witnessed both instances of fruitful cooperation in the development of European norms and various forms of – at least potential – conflict. In recent years, the conflicts that had mostly remained dormant have manifested themselvesin a number of rulings of senior national courts. This occurred most famously when the German Constitutional Court in May 2020 rejected the judgment of the Court of Justice in Weiss, claiming that the European Court had exceeded its judicial mandate. This in turn has given rise to a European Commission infringement action against Germany, which will force the European Court to react to the German ruling. At the same time, other national courts, such as the Supreme Court of Denmark and the Conseil d’Etat of France, have also weighed in on the issue, while the Polish Constitutional Tribunal on 7 October 2021 held that a number of fundamental provisions of the EU Treaty are incompatible with the Polish constitution. This webinar seeks to explore the issue with the help of two former judges of the European Court of Justice as well as leading scholars of European and comparative law.
Sir David Edward QC KCMG PC QC (former Judge at European Court of Justice): Setting out the scene: the relationship between domestic courts and the European Court of Justice
Allan Rosas (former Judge at European Court of Justice, Chair of the Turku University Faculty of Law Advisory Council): Mangold and beyond
Prof Jacques Ziller (Honorary Professor at the Universities of Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Pavia): Ultra vires and member states’ courts
Prof Gráinne De Búrca (Florence Ellinwood Allen Professor of Law, New York University): Constitutionalism Pluralism: an obstacle or an asset for the EU?
The webinar will be chaired by Prof Paul Craig, President of the UKAEL.
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Tapahtuma järjestetään Zoomin välityksellä. Osallistuminen on maksutonta Eurooppaoikeuden yhdistyksen ja UKAEL:n jäsenille. Eurooppaoikeuden yhdistyksen jäsenten ilmoittautumiset pyydetään tekemään sähköpostitse yhdistyksen sihteerille 22.10.2021 mennessä.