In English

Welcome to FIDE Finland!

FIDE Finland is an association registered in 1983 for the promotion of knowledge of European law in Finland. The association is a member society of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.

FIDE Finland gathers together Finnish lawyers with an interest in European law. It organises seminars and discussion events on topics of European and international law, including a yearly European Law Day inviting high-profile experts of European law and politics as speakers. Information on the activities of the association is available here (in Finnish).

In addition, FIDE Finland is in charge of coordination of the Finnish reports to the biannual congresses organised by its European roof organisation FIDE (International Federation of European Law). Further information on the FIDE congresses is available on the FIDE webpage.

For further information regarding FIDE Finland, please contact:

chair Juha Raitio (juha.raitio(a); or

secretary Sara Piirainen (sara.piirainen(a)